Sunday, July 19, 2009

Antigone or Mythology

What would be a good project to complete that would demonstrate comprehension, analysis, and application of elements from either the mythology book or Antigone? Be specific in the wording of the project you design. Be sure to list the medium of the final product (picture, PowerPoint presentation, playbill, etc.), the specifics that must be addressed in the final product, and a rubric that would be used to evaluate such product.

For example, two years ago my students worked in groups with an assigned hero (Theseus, Hercules, etc.). Their task was to learn the etiquette of job interviews and then role play a hero that was trying to hire a personal assistant. They knew they were going to be video taped. Things I specifically looked for in the process included a script, appropriate attire and props, knowledge of hero incorporated into dialogue, interviewing skills, and overall video production.

While that isn't the exact wording of the assignment I gave them, you should get the picture. If you choose to respond to this prompt, be sure this is a professional response. Imagine that I am going to pick some of these to assign to you in the first few days of school. Please send these as a word document attached to an email to me at

1 comment:

JHS.COUGARS.2012 said...

Is everyone to do this or does this just count as a blog?