Sunday, July 19, 2009

Why I Think Antigone Chose to Defy Creon

The reason behind Antigone's behavior, in my point of view, has to do with honor and spiritual beliefs. Antigone wants her brother Polynices buried because they believe that the only way a soul can get eternal peace is by a correct burial. Otherwise, the spirit will be "condemned to eternal unrest". The holy laws state that this must be performed. Antigone believes that all laws should be followed, especially this one. Dealing with honor, I do believe Antigone wants to bring some of that honor to Polynices and her father. She is willing to disobey Creon's decree despite his set punishment. Honor goes a long way with the Greeks and Romans.

1 comment:

LT2009 said...

It was an insult to the gods when you left someone unburied. Everyone knew that Creon's decision was wrong, but they were too afraid to speak up. They were also too afraid to bury him because he threatened them with death. Antigone was not afriad. Everyone, even a "traitor", deserved a proper burial. Antigone was not afraid of death because she was overwhelmed with grief. If she died, she would be reunited with him. What really motivated her was that Polyneices was her brother. She could not have another brother because both of her parents were dead. If he was her husband, she would just marry someone else. If it was her child, she would just have another one. She buried him because he could not be replaced.