Thursday, August 13, 2009

Help me!!!!!

I was rereading the trojan war and I am a little confused. On page 193 when Diomedes sees Ares standing next to Hector at the gates of troy the book says that Hera asked zeus if she could drive him away, but a little further down affter Ares leaves it says that Ares was complaining about Athenas violence. So what im not shure about is who drove Ares away? Was it Hera, Athena or both?


Logan Balliett said...

Both Hera and Athena, with the help of Diomedes, drove Ares from Troy. Hera asked Zeus for permission to chase Ares from Troy, and he agreed. Hera, knowing that Ares is really just a cry baby when it comes to receiving pain, told Diomedes to wound Ares. When Diomedes lunged at Ares, Athena strengthened the stab to make sure Ares was hurt. Ares couldn't handle the pain and ran away to Olympus. He complained to Zeus of Athena's violence (a funny accusation coming from the god of war) because he saw her directly helping Diomedes, while Hera's role was more "behind-the-scenes".

Marcia Stengel said...

Nice job, Logan.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the clarification